


Happy Deepavali to those who celebrate the festival. Some info on Deepavali: Diwali is called the Festival of Lights and is celebrated to honor Rama-chandra, the seventh avatar (incarnation of the god Vishnu). It is believed that on this day Rama returned to his people after 14 years of exile during which he fought and [...]

By | October 19th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

Here you go. Going green is easier than you think. There are little things you can do every day to help reduce greenhouse gases and make a less harmful impact on the environment. Taking care of the Earth is not just a responsibility -- it's a privilege. ­In that spirit, HowStuffWorks came up with 10 [...]

By | May 10th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Tips Penjagaan Perabot Kayu

Berikut adalah tips bagaimana untuk menjaga perabot kayu anda supaya tahan lebih lama. 1. Tips yang pertama bagi menghilangkan debu pada rangka perabot anda boleh menucinya dengan kain lembap seminggu sekali. Jika rangka perabot anda jenis kayu jati, alternative lain ialah dengan menggunakan minyak kayu murni dan dilap beberapa bulan sekali untuk mengembalikan serinya. 2. [...]

By | April 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments


Mengurangkan pembaziran penggunaan kayu, plastik, fabric, dan kulit Menyebabkan kekurangan tanah untuk pelupusan barangan Mengurangkan peratusan oksigen dan meningkatkan karbon dioksida disebabkan oleh pembalakan dan pembuatan kayu Plastik mengeluarkan gas yang merbahaya apabila dibakar Menjamin kesihatan yang lebih baik (resung, katarak mata dan penyakit berjangkit) Greenhouse Effect Ramai yang tidak pernah sedar akan kesan pembaziran [...]

By | April 15th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments


YOU ARE PRICELESS. No matter how small you are, how unlucky you are, how poor you are..You are just priceless in front of your Creator. Your existence on earth must have reasons behind. He will not create you for nothing. Each person on earth is contributing to society, organisation and people without we/they realize. So, [...]

By | February 16th, 2017|Uncategorized|2 Comments
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